5 People to Thank After Your Wedding

If you’re planning a wedding, you’re probably already busy taste-testing wedding cakes and researching reception venues in Philadelphia to find your perfect match. While the bulk of the work will be done before you say “I do,” there are still a few loose ends you’ll need to tie up after the ceremony — including sending “thank you” cards. While thank you cards might seem a bit old-fashioned, they’re an affordable and easy way to appreciate the people who made your wedding special. Here are five people you should send thank you cards to after your wedding.

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5 Kitchen Secrets That Make Restaurant Food Taste Better

It’s happened to everyone at some point or another. You try a delicious new dish in a restaurant and immediately fall in love. You love it so much that you decide to learn how to cook it and make it at home for your family and friends. But, despite the fact that you’ve followed the recipe to the letter, your homemade version just doesn’t measure up to the work of culinary professionals. Why does restaurant food taste so much better than food made at home? Read on to learn 5 secrets from professional kitchens that contribute to culinary success.

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3 Wedding Superstitions You Can Ignore!

As one of the most popular wedding reception venues in Philadelphia, believe us when we tell you that we’ve heard a lot of wedding superstitions over the years! There are many different superstitions out there, and some are good and some are bad. Our advice is to ignore them or put your own positive twist on them using a little creativity.  Without further ado, here’s our take on some wedding day myths.

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4 Charming Traditions of an Irish Wedding

The Irish have many historied customs within their ancient culture, and there is a wealth of tradition when it comes to the jubilant ceremonies and celebrations of an Irish Wedding. Whether you wish to plan your own traditional Irish wedding for the respect of your heritage or simply have a love of the Irish culture, here are four simple and charming customs you can incorporate into your special day at Cottage Green.

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The History of Air Travel

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably ridden on a plane at some point in your life. However, for most of human history, flight was little more than a crazy fantasy. The first recorded airplane flight took place on December 17, 1903. This was the date that the Wright brothers took to the skies in the world’s first functioning airplane. The plane was a small, modest biplane that featured both gliders and an independent power source. By combining both methods of propulsion, the Wright brothers set the standard for modern air travel.

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3 Interesting Pieces of Trivia About Your Favorite Mixed Drinks

From Cosmopolitans to rum and Cokes, everyone has their favorite mixed drink. From dive bars to five-star restaurants to wedding halls in PA, the classic drinks can be found almost everywhere. What most people don’t know is that the majority of cocktails that we know and love today have long and interesting stories behind them. Read on to learn a little bit of trivia about your cocktail or mixed drink of choice.  

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3 Chinese Wedding Traditions and Customs

Are you attending a traditional Chinese wedding? Understanding some of the traditions you might see in the wedding hall in Philadelphia on the couple’s special day can help you better appreciate both the ceremony and Chinese culture. Read on to learn a few traditions and customs you might see before or during a traditional Chinese wedding.  

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3 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About The Philadelphia Eagles

There’s a chill in the air, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, and pools are starting to close down — fall is almost here! Village Catering knows firsthand that to many Philadelphians, the fall season is the time to cheer the Eagles on to another season of victory. Before another football season starts, brush up on your Eagles trivia with these interesting facts about Philadelphia’s favorite team.

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