Corporate Event Catering Ideas

Whether you are planning to cater for a meeting, awards ceremony, product launch or employee training, you can provide a food experience that can help guests eat healthier, try different cuisines, or even receive details about your company, product and image. Healthy Options The next time your company is catering a working lunch or employee brainstorming session, consider providing the attendees a buffet of healthy options instead of the traditional carb-filled office treats. Healthy lunch and snack options don’t have to be a boring. Start by serving a salad buffet instead of the high-fat mayonnaise-filled sandwiches, or baked chips and…

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Post 4th of July Diet and Exercise Tips

So all of the hamburgers and hot dogs have been eaten, the firework display is over, and you are on your way back to work after a relaxing weekend off.  You may have noticed you have gained a couple of pounds after chomping down BBQ’d food and drinking ice cold beers during your 4th of July party. Here are some easy tips to get back into a healthy groove, drop the holiday weight gain, and gain back your lean physique. Choose a leaner meat After the traditional mainstays of any BBQ, such as hamburgers and hot dogs, choose a leaner…

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3 Helpful Guidelines For Eating A Diet-friendly Dessert

Interested in preparing diet-friendly desserts but still feel the need to satisfy your desire for something sweet?  If so, follow these three guidelines to help you find/prepare a diet-friendly dessert that can end up being just as sweet as a regular dessert! Picking Out Which Dessert Recipe Is Best For You The best way to get a diet-friendly dessert on your table is to pick a dessert recipe that is for health or diet-conscious people.  This strategy will always save you the trouble of trying to replace ingredients—especially if you aren’t confident about doing that.  Also, many creators of dessert recipes have already…

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