The Best Foods for Muscle Growth


If you’re an athlete or you manage a team of athletes, you already know that food isn’t just a tasty treat—it’s fuel for your performance, game, or meet. Village Catering knows firsthand how important an athlete’s diet can be. To maximize muscle growth, athletes need to watch what they’re eating and make sure their nutritional needs are being met. Here are some of the best foods you can eat if you’re looking to pack on muscle this summer training season:

  • Eggs. Delicious, easy to prepare, and oh so versatile, eggs are packed with the protein that athletes need to build muscle. Egg protein is considered to be one of the most easily-accessible types of edible proteins, which makes them the perfect post-workout snack.
  • Salmon. Salmon crushes other types of fish when it comes to protein content. With 25 grams of protein per serving and tons of essential oils, athletes should load up their plates with this healthy, fatty fish whenever possible.
  • Quinoa. For athletes who don’t eat meat, building muscle can be more of a challenge. Vegan and vegetarian athletes should make quinoa a staple of their diet. The protein-packed grain contains all nine essential amino acids, making it an undeniable superfood.
  • Chicken. Chicken is the staple muscle-building food because it’s loaded with protein. A 100 gram serving of chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein with just 4 grams of fat. Suitable for all athletes, chicken is an essential food for muscle growth.

As the official catering company of the Temple University Owls, Village Catering knows exactly how to whip up tasty and nourishing meals with all the nutrients athletes need. Contact our team to learn more about how athletic catering from Village Catering can help your athletes unlock their next level of performance.