Planning your wedding- Let Village Catering do your job

Wedding catering is all about class and service, so naturally when it comes time to really prepare for your wedding catering at your reception you’re going to want to rank very well in these categories.  To ensure you encounter only excellent service, you’ll need to know your wedding catering company’s reputation.  This shouldn’t be hard to obtain, and if it is, you’re using the wrong caterer.  We are not saying to never support new businesses, but your wedding is just not the place to take chances or experiment with new or low budget caterers.  Check all references that your wedding catering company provides you with, and make your decision from there.  You don’t want to get stuck with a mediocre catering company, so do your research!  Your caterer will need a final headcount for all your guests that will be attending, and in order to provide them with this you’ll need to get some invitations back.  Make sure you’ve sent your wedding invitations well in advance, and asked for a swift RSVP, as tardy wedding invitations are the number one reason weddings fail.  Once you have a guest acceptance list made up, make sure you also take into account the food that your photographer, wedding coordinator, and entertainment (DJ or live band) will be eating as well.  Be sure to note these event staff under a different section, as many caterers offer special wedding catering discounts for your staff.

Be sure to ask your wedding catering company about what types of decorations come with their service, as well as a picture of their table displays.  The aesthetic of the whole evening will be crucial, and you’ll want to be certain you know exactly what to expect and how to plan accordingly.  Also ask your caterer if they offer “menu boards”.  Menu boards are a new concept of showing a small picture of the served item with a name and description next to it.  This practice can be very helpful if you are serving items which may feel foreign or unappealing to your guests– we guess it just helps to know.

Village Catering being the Wedding Catering & Caterer restaurant with affordable on a small budget food delivery for wedding dinners, wedding rehearsals and wedding receptions can be your choice to have a successful wedding.