Easter is a Great Time to Entertain Family and Friends, but Why the Egg?
Whether you are Christian or not, Easter has become a holiday that encompasses much more than religion. Eggs and the Easter bunny actually don’t have anything to do with Christianity at all. In fact, the term Easter is thought to have been derived from the name of a Germanic pagan goddess, Eostre. Feasts honoring this goddess of fertility were held in the spring by Saxons, far before Christianity existed. However, centuries later, many Saxons converted to Christianity. The melding of Christians and Saxons brought together the religious celebration with the concept of spring and fertility.
The Easter egg has become one of the more recognizable symbols relating to the holiday. However, there is no mention of an egg, or for that matter a bunny, in Christian writings. The mystery of the Easter egg is one that has proven to be remarkably difficult to solve. There are written accounts of decorating eggs for Easter in books dating back more than five hundred years ago. However, many historians believe the roots of coloring and decorating eggs to go back much further.
One point that historians can agree upon, is that the egg has been viewed as a symbol of new life. Many ancient civilizations actually believed that the world was born from an egg. Over time, the egg has become an integral component in the Easter celebration. Serving as both food and a decorative piece, eggs are a versatile item.
Village Catering wants everyone, Christian or not, to take time and enjoy the beginning of spring. Celebrating new beginnings is something that all can enjoy and so is the Easter egg. Decorating or preparing a hardboiled egg is a tradition that has transcended religion. This spring, take the time to enjoy the simple gifts of nature and celebrate the departure of winter!