A Guide to Get the Most Out of Your Tasting Pt. 1

You’ve settled on a date, secured our wedding venue in Philadelphia, booked the band, and now it’s time to make some decisions that your palate and stomach will help you out with — the food! Catering can be among the most significant expenses in any event’s budget, but for many, it’s the most important. That’s why the tasting is an imperative “portion” of the planning process.
The tasting isn’t just crucial in an all-business sort of way, though — in fact, we believe it should be the most fun part of the planning stage! While everyone can get on board with the idea of sitting down and trying some of our delicious food, there are some do’s and don’ts you should be aware of to get the most out of your tasting experience.
Wedding Tasting Do’s
Be Flexible with Your Day and Time
This isn’t just about fitting you in when it’s convenient for us—it’s ensuring you get the culinary experience you deserve. Many caterers only schedule tastings during weekends, as the kitchen’s focus on the weekends is booked events. At Village Catering, we always try to make allowances for clients who either live out of state or have other circumstances that necessitate alternate accommodations. Still, generally, it may be easier for all parties to book your tasting for weekdays during regular business hours. Think of it this way: You can rest assured that on your big day, we won’t have to shift attention away from your event for another party’s tasting!
Invite Your Wedding Planner
If you’ve employed the assistance of a wedding planner or consultant, they should be included in the tasting! It’s their job to be the clear-eyed troubleshooter and ensure you get the service you deserve.
Ask Questions
The tasting is the perfect opportunity to meet the chef and culinary team that will be responsible for the food at your event, so don’t be shy! Take note of flavor profiles, seasoning styles, garnishes, presentation, etc. The team at Village Catering wants your event to be perfect down to every detail — which means we’ll tweak and customize any item on the menu to your specifications.
For more information about our beautiful banquet hall in Northeast Philadelphia, contact Village Catering today! But don’t go anywhere just yet — In the next part of this blog, we’ll talk about some don’ts when it comes to your tasting.